For most people suffering lower leg, foot and ankle injuries, Ankle replacement or Plantar fasciitis the answer is YES! iWalk 2.0 is a great way to improve your qualify of life during your rehabilitation. That said, since every physique and every injury is unique, we recommend that you always consult with your health care professional before using the iWalk 2.0.
Conventional crutches and alternatives such as knee scooters leave your entire injured leg and hip mostly dormant. The iWALK 2.0 is the only crutch alternative that fully engages the muscles of your upper leg, thigh and hip when walking and standing which improves your motor function throughout and immediately after the rehabilitation period.
Moving your leg increases blood circulation, which assists the body in healing. The additional comfort and efficiency of iWALK 2.0 will also induce you to be more mobile than you would be with other mobility assistance devices.
iWalk 2.0 Handless Crutch Testimonials:
"I want other surgeons to know about it"
Dr. William "Clark" Jernigan is a board certified Orthopaedic Surgeon from Greenville, SC with 29 years of experince.
I'm a 58 year old orthopedic surgeon. I recently sustained a plafond fracture which required surgery. I got your device today and after a very few minutes I love it! This device is going to enable me to operate again three weeks sooner than would have been the case withouth it.
Thank you to the inventor. I love engineering excellence and this product exudes excellence. I want other surgeons to know about it. If you want a testimonial I'll be glad to give you one."
Clark Jernigan, MD
Age 58
Greenville, SC
“As a physician, I’ve never seen a device that does so much for the patient.”
"My husband recently suffered a lower leg injury and was facing a long non-weight bearing recovery using crutches and knee scooter. Life without the iWALK 2.0 was miserable; we were all in a really bad place. I wanted to cry every day. Then we found the iWALK 2.0 and everything changed.
A lot of medical conditions lead to depression, I see this in my practice all the time, and we were gearing up towards this, then he put on his iWALK 2.0 and he was back to his old self, enjoying himself, contributing to the family and back to work. He’s able to do pretty much everything except run.
It’s helped my life tremendously – I had to do everything, feed him, feed the kids, tend to his needs as he was physically incapable of doing it himself. It was miserable. I was looking at 12 weeks of this and thinking “I’m not going to survive this”. Day one on the iWALK 2.0 he was up doing normal things, helping me cook dinner, going upstairs, putting the kids to bed, things he used to do before. Now, he’s really happy, I’m happy, and everybody in our family is happy. You can hardly tell he’s hurt.
It’s wonderful for the family.
My husband is pretty athletic, so I wanted to try it myself to see how well it worked. It worked fine – I only had it on a couple of minutes and I went around the room, went up and down a few steps, walked on carpet, tile and concrete. It was easy.
I’m most excited about the mood change I saw in him. The boys named him “grumpy” (and they were right). He went from looking like he was in prison with his wheelchair and crutches, to right back to being his old happy and content self with the iWALK 2.0.
He’s back on the playing field with the kids. And we’re going camping this weekend - we’re going to stay in a tent! That would be impossible with crutches or a knee scooter.
As a physician, I’ve never seen a device that does so much for the patient."
Dr. Gretchen Lorenz, MD
Piqua, Ohio
“I will never be able to describe in worlds how much the iWALK 2.0 has done for me and my family."
The iWalk 2.0 is doctor approved!
Before the iWALK 2.0
On Labor day 2013 I ruptured my Achilles Tendon. Two days later, Ihad a major surgical repair of my tendon. I was given 12 weeks non-weight bearing for my left leg. For the first 2.5 weeks I used crutches and a wheelchair to get around.
Before my injury I was a very active person. I worked out 3-4 times a week, ran in a few Warrior Dashes, coached soccer, not to mention all of the daily household activities. Then I ruptured my Achilles and all of my activities came to a complete stop. I could get around on crutches and the wheelchair but that is it - I couldn’t do anything with my hands. It didn’t take long for the depression to start sinking in. My wife and two young boys could tell I was not the happy and energetic husband/father that I once was. I became more and more tired and irritable each day, but then I heard about the iWALK 2.0.
While Using the iWALK 2.0
The night I heard of the iWALK 2.0 I got online and Googled the contraption. When I found out it was only $149.00, it was a no-brainer to give it a try. A couple days later I was assembling the iWALK 2.0 and getting it to fit me just right. Within about 20 minutes I was taking my first steps in nearly 3 weeks. The freedom to walk hands-free and do so many simple things that I used to take for granted is something to cherish. My family could see the difference in my mental state starting that very first day. I was so happy to be able to walk and do things for myself and for my family. I was able to cook dinner that night, help with the cleanup, help get my kids ready for bed and then tuck them in for the first time since the injury. I am back to working out 3-4 times a week, coaching soccer and doing all my daily household activities. The Warrior Dashes will have to wait, but I can do almost anything I want except run. My recovery time will be dramatically less because of the mental and physical help the iWALK 2.0 has provided.
I will never be able to describe in words how much the iWALK 2.0 has done for my family and I. It gave me back a life that had been taken away from me. I have been able to go to an NFL game and maneuver the stadium with ease, and I even took my family on a camping trip and set up camp, tent, chairs, food and fire. I can once again go outside and throw the ball with my boys, play laser tag with them and go on an evening walk with my wife, kids and dog as a whole family. The iWALK 2.0 turned a temporarily life changing injury into just a couple months of wearing a really cool looking peg leg. People ask me about it everywhere I go and I never get tired of explaining it to them how great the device works for me. The iWALK 2.0 won’t change your life, it lets you keep the one you always had!
Thank you for developing this product.
Erich Courtad
Piqua Family Practice Manager
"With normal crutches, I had no hope!"
I just bought an iWALK2.0 and I am thrilled! I trully believe this crutch can improve the lives of many people!
I am 32 years old and have been on crutches for over five years. In 2008 I tore my achillis tendon while I was playing soccer. I had an operation that day. In the beginning everything went fine but then my lower leg got purple, cold and burned like fire. They sent me back to the hospital and tried different things but nothing worked. After 1.5 years of suffering and many doctor visits I was diagnosed with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Type 2. The doctors said that there is almost no chance that it will get any better.
I discovered the iWALK2.0 through the biggest German newspaper (Bild). A friend of my mother saw a picture on which Harrison Ford was wearing the iWALK2.0. It had been almost six years since I had been able to walk. I started using it immediately and it worked very well. Since then I'm using the iWALK2.0 every day.
When I used normal crutches I had pain in my leg, both wrists and back, however, when I use the iWALK2.0 I have no pain or discomfort.
My quality of life increased a lot. I can take on more tasks of our housework. I even got married in May and we are thinking about having children. The iWALK2.0 gives me hope that I will be able to bring the kids to bed or to hold them when they're crying.
With normal crutches I had no hope that I could do any of these things. So I'm very glad that you invented the iWALK2.0 and made my normal life possible. It's given me back so much quality in life- thank you!
- Simon Meer
"THIS IS A GREAT PRODUCT!" "Ditch the crutches and get an iWALK!"
As you know, it gets crazy around the holiday season. It's even crazier when you're a single dad of three kids and you just had reconstructive ankle surgery! Imagine seven weeks in a cast right through Thanksgiving and Christmas! Forutnately, I don't have to stand-by on the sidelines and spectate because I'm trapped by crutches.
Everyone who sees me comments about what a great device it is. I'm doing a little bragging of my own, too. A woman with a cast on her foot was trying to get around on crutches in a crowded room. I walked up to her (on my iWALK) and told her she needed to ditch the cruthces and get an iWALK. The look on her face was amazement and then jelousy! I gave her the website and I'm certain that she now has one of her own. A single-mom friend of mine who has four kids (including a two-year-old) has had three foot surgeries over the last two years. She has at least one more to go. She's dealt with crutches after every surgery. Not anymore! She saw my iWALK and swore she would never use crutches again.
This is a GREAT product!
Scott- Orange, California
"Three days ago I couldn't even walk- it hurt so badly!"
Lucky for me I didn’t break anything when I dropped the barbell on the top of my foot. My doctor told me that I had soft tissue damage and the fastest way to heal would be by staying off of it. He estimated it would take about a week to heal. Seeing as it’s the holiday season, I knew this wasn’t possible. I remembered seeing a friend using the iWALK2.0: teaching classes, doing everything, so I contacted her and got the 411.
Before getting an iWALK I was on crutches for one day and they weren’t helping. I severely curtailed my activities while on crutches because they hurt and I couldn’t get enough weight off my foot. It was too much of a hassle to move around. So I got on an iWALK and used it for only two days and that’s all it took. Because I was able to run around and do all of my holiday chores and events without putting weight on my foot, I healed in only two days- much faster than the week that my doctor expected.
With the iWALK2.0 I just went about my life. I did laundry, emptied the dishwasher, went up and down stairs, and got my own glass of water. Basically my day to day which I couldn’t do before the iWALK crutch.
I thought it would be a much longer learning curve, and I thought it would be more cumbersome to get in and out of, but both were really easy. It was like putting on a shoe.
I can’t believe it! Three days ago I couldn’t even walk- it hurt so badly! After a day on crutches, it wasn’t any better. Now, two days later, after being on the iWALK2.0, I am totally healed and can walk perfectly. My doctor is amazed!
-Anne Burke
My daughter, Elise, is a college sophomore. She lives on the second floor of a dorm without an elevator. Her campus is very hilly. So when she had ankle surgery we decided that a knee scooter was not an option and traditional crutches were not practical. When we saw a video of the iWALK we knew we had to give it a try.
She loved it! It was so much better than traditional crutches.
-Pamela and Elise Cather
"Why hasn't this been done before?
The iWALK2.0 is a game changer!
I've been in practice for over 8 years in private practice, hospitals and clinics. I'm also a team doctor for the USA women's volleyball team. When the iWALK2.0 literally walked into my clinic on one of my patients I was quite impressed on first sight, especially with my her mobility and stability. I had originally treated her with conventional crutches, until she walked in on the iWALK2.0. The effectiveness of the device was evident immediately. If I had not seen it being used, I would have had some reservations, but having seen it in use, it looks quite natural- unexpectedly so. My concerns were erased by watching her use it, and my next impression was, "Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?" My subsequent reaction was one of curiosity. I wanted to prove to myself that it would work for my patients. I figured it would become a big part of my practice, because it could treat my patient's conditions while allowing them to maintain mobility and a normal lifestyle. So to prove that it worked, I used it myself- for two days.
Initially I had adjusted it incorrectly, and it was fatiguing, but within an hour I readjusted it and the efficiency went up considerably. There was an artificial feeling to it, but it was not a problem, and I could move around freely. No, it doesn't replace your limb, for sure, but it comes close to it. My original expectation was that it would be uncomfortable, especially where your knee sits on it and where the straps contact your thigh, and that it would take a long time to get used to. Even so, I still thought that it would be very effective for my patients that have off-loading injuries. So after trying it, I found that when fitted correctly, it was quite comfortable, and balance was intuitive. It was amazing, actually, how comfortable it was the longer I used it. It disappeared underneath me. It was surprising how fast I could resume normal activities when using it. I quickly adapted to day to day things without thinking about it. In my trial I found it to be very safe. Patients that I've prescribed it to have been successful. The follow up comments have all been favorable, and "Why hasn't this been done before?" is their common response. The key thing that really makes people happy is the freedom they get from the device. Part of it is the freedom, they remain active, they are able to function, and also, it's the amount of relief they get from the pain of the injured limb. They can focus on getting on with their daily living without focusing on the injured limb.
In my observations I have found several clinical benefits of the iWALK2.0. Muscle atrophy in patients is minimal and seems to be limited to the calf, as it's not truly engaged. The quads and other muscles are forced to work, so atrophy is reduced. Post use of the device, they don't need to do as much work to get back to where they were, that's part of the beauty of the device. In a side by side comparison, I've seen a lot more atrophy of the quad in users of crutches and knee scooters because you're not using them, unlike with the iWALK, where you are, constantly. Another benefit that you get with the iWALK crutch, and anecdotally that I get is from my patients is that their core muscles are engaged and have less atrophy. That's another unexpected secondary benefit. I also definitely see a psychological benefit- less depression because the patients don't feel so helpless. They can go to work and many still pursue their hobbies and even sports. It's a novel device because it doesn't have the stigma of crutches. People that see my patients using the iWALK2.0 get excited, unlike crutches, where their reaction is sympathy, so the pity component of seeing someone with crutches is gone. The negative social stigma of being disabled is replaced with a positive, excited reaction from onlookers. This makes the patient feel empowered, not disabled. It's an empowering feeling that you're not disabled. This is especially important for rehab, and we all know that the positive psychological condition and attitude of the patient is very important for rehab.
If I were told that I couldn't use the iWALK2.0 in my practice anymore I would be mad!… and quite disappointed. In the patients that I've used it with, as compared to others with whom I've used crutches or knee scooters, the iWALK crutch has made such a marked improvement in their life and resulted in shorter rehab periods. I've seen and experienced for myself how effective it is. It's truly revolutionary, and has made a significant impact in my patients compliance and how quickly they heal Medicine is not a stagnant discipline. You have to keep an open mind. That's how you expand your practice. Had I not seen the iWALK in use, I would have been skeptical, as medicine has a history of trying novel therapies, not all of which are effective. The iWALk2.0 is very effective, and is a big step forward in how you can help your patients. In addition, they will be grateful to you for prescribing it.
"I have freedom of movement that simply doesn't exist with any other device"
4 years ago I had revision surgery for a Lapidus Bunionectomy in my right foot. The first time I had surgery was in March and I used traditional crutches and a knee scooter. I live on the 4th floor of a townhouse so steps and stairs were awful!
With my iWALK2.0 I was able to get out of my car, cross my street, go up the 4 flights of stairs to my bedroom and began my recovery with ease. I am soooo happy to have this device this time around (I’m supposed to be non-weight bearing for 8 weeks). I have freedom of movement that simply doesn’t exist with any other device. Thank you iWALK for making life bearable.
- Shane Methal
"The iWALK2.0 gave me back my independence…and created a local sensation!"
My only regret about the iWalk Free is that I didn’t discover its existence earlier! I broke my left ankle in two places and required surgery, after which I was not allowed to put weight on the ankle for six weeks. I spent five of those weeks on regular crutches, dependent on others for simple things like making an omelette or carrying a cup of coffee from the kitchen to the couch. I watched sadly as my upper leg muscles, as well as my lower ones, withered away from lack of use. At the same time, my “good” right leg’s knee was developing all kinds of aches and pains from bearing all my weight, especially going up and down stairs. By the end of the fifth week, the right knee was in agony and my shoulders and back were starting to hurt from bearing the weight on the crutches.
The day I found out about the iWalk I discovered a seller in my area and arranged to get one. It only took about ten minutes to adjust it to my height and to learn to walk with it. Another ten minutes later, I had mastered going up and coming down the stairs – so much easier than with crutches! The following day I was feeling a bit of an ache in my left upper leg – it was the quad and hamstring muscles coming back to life after weeks of disuse. I was glad that the iWalk allowed me to start to work these muscles again. Even though I couldn’t bear weight on the ankle, with the iWalk, I could bear weight in the upper leg and hip again. This took a lot of the pressure off the right leg and knee as well, making stairs in particular a lot easier to manage.
Because my driving foot was not affected, I was able to drive throughout my recovery, and once I got the hang of quickly clipping and unclipping the iWalk, it was a cinch to remove it once I got in the car and put it back on when I reached my destination. One day I wore it to my children’s school and gathered a crowd of youngsters around me wanting to know about my “pirate leg.” I was the centre of attention.
This happened again just a day later when I wore the iWalk to my 6-week follow-up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. At the hospital several envious pairs of eyes were on me as I skipped the line waiting for wheelchairs at the entrance (there was a shortage) and iWalked it to the orthopedic clinic. Once there, everyone who had a crutch with them was staring at me. I fielded several questions about the iWalk, including how it works and where to buy it. Then I started chatting with a woman who had been hit by a truck – in addition to her broken ankle, she had bruises on her face and had suffered a concussion! I explained to her how the iWalk had made stairs so much easier for me. As we waited, she and her husband Googled iWalk and saw all the amazing videos that show how easy it is to use. I told them that if my doctor gave me the go-ahead to start putting weight on my ankle again, I would sell my iWalk to them. Shortly after that, the doctor did tell me to start walking on my ankle again, and my long rehab began. I was a bit sad to say goodbye to my trusted friend the iWalk, but I knew I had to start putting one foot in front of the other again. And I was glad to see that it would go on to help someone else.
Kimberly Darlington
Montreal, Quebec
"The iWALK2.0 truly saved me from a deep depression!"
In July, I broke my fibula while hiking with my dogs. When the doctor said "surgery and no weight bearing for 6-8 weeks"—-well, I was despondent. My husband works full-time and couldn't really stay home to take care of me, bring me food, do laundry, etc. We live on a remote ranch and our dogs and horses are used to lots of interaction and exercise, mostly from me. The thought of weeks on the couch was extremely depressing.
I was also scared about overwhelming my already hard-working husband; he was facing having to take over all of my daily duties, which are numerous. I knew crutches wouldn't provide real freedom, and a knee scooter wouldn't work on our terrain or allow me to use my hands.
We were so excited to find the iWALK2.0! I was a little nervous at first but immediately realized that I didn't need to be. It was easy to learn, allowed me to do my regular activities and chores, and gave me a feeling of self-sufficiency. That is a big deal when you are injured. Little things like carrying a plate or a dog bowl, or helping make dinner become hugely important.
The iWALK2.0 truly saved me from a deep depression. If I hadn't had the ability to move around and use my hands, I would have really suffered. The immobility would've been worse than breaking my leg. The iWALK2.0 is an amazing tool and I highly recommend it.
"I was able to escort my mum and push her wheelchair through the airport… and generally blow everyone away with my independence"
"Thanks to you iWalk I was able to not only travel from New Zealand to Australia for a family gathering, I was able to escort my mum and push her wheelchair through the airport, carry bags and generally blow everyone away with my independence. Thanks!"
-Raylene Beal
"I can play outside with the kids and I have played 18 holes of golf on the iWALK2.0"
I have been using the iWALK2.0 for a month now and love it! It is too bad that I have another two months to go before I can put weight on my foot but at least it will be easier with the iWALK!
I saw a gentleman using the iWALK at the doctors office and I thought "he has a peg leg, that's crazy!" We went into an exam room; the doc came in and asked how I liked the crutches. I told him that they are a pain, here I was and I could not carry anything, could not open doors (easily) and my armpits and wrists were very sore from using the traditional crutches. That's when my doctor told me about the iWALK2.0 and that I should go online and get it. For work I need to walk around various terrain and the crutches hindered my mobility. The scooter, while fast on flat hard surfaces, looked heavy and would be very awkward to get in and out of my truck and would not work around job sites when I needed to go see them. The other downfall to the scooter is it "rents" for $150.00 for six weeks. I need something for three months abd that would be around #300 bucks! With the iWALK2.0 I could own it forever for only $149!!!
I purchased my iWALK2.0 and had it overnighted, I wanted it ASAP! I received the package in the mail and it took just 5 minutes to assemble. I was free of regular crutches! The adjustment or fitting process was simple. It took a few tries to get it adjusted to feel like it was your leg, but once it is dialed in there is no need to adjust anything but the straps when wearing different clothes.
I have used my iWALK2.0 for various projects around the house i.e. mowing, edging, taking the garbage cans out, I even helped a neighbor install a water heater (we had to carry the old one out and the new one in!). I can play outside with the kids and I have played 18 holes of golf on the iWALK2.0.
- Justin
Bountiful, Utah
"Thanks to iWALK Free I am able to walk and hold my sons hand."
Thanks to iWALK Free I am able to walk and hold my sons hand. I had given up the thought to carry him for whatever reason. Realizing I still have that possibility brings me joy. Thank you!
I absolutely loveeee my iWALK2.0! I didn’t think it was going to be that easy to use. It is beyond easy! I wanted to try it out before my surgery so I could get used to it, well, needless to say, there is no getting used to it. It felt so natural! All of the physical therapists, the resident doctors, nurses, everyone was taking pictures of my iWALK2.0 when therapy came to get me to start walking on it.
They were all trying to figure out how the stairs were going to work for me so I said “Here, let me show you.” I walked up the stairs with it and therapy laughed and said “Well, yeah, you passed your test! That thing is awesome!”
Needless to say the iWALK2.0 needs to be advertised everywhere! Hospitals, Doctors’ offices, therapists… everyone is so amazed by it! Also, I walked out of the hospital with it on when they released me. I refused to let them push me in a wheelchair!
Before my injury, I lost 95 lbs by going to the gym 6 to 7 days a week and the reason the iWALK2.0 is so important to me is so I can stay active, go to the gym and pretty much keep up with my weight loss. My weight loss has become my life and the iWALK2.0 allows me to keep up with this lifestyle. My biggest concern was going to the gym and having to leave my wheelchair there every day.
Well, now I don’t need to. It is a huge plus that the iWALK2.0 is so comfortable! I will be non-weight bearing for 3 months. This is a major life saver!
Breanna Conforti
"I turned up the music and rocked out on my iWALK2.0!"
Having had reconstructive surgery on my right foot on June 18, 2014, I am able to do just about everything that I wish to do save for hiking in the woods! I have spent my days "recuperating" in my shop; I have re-worked nearly all of the cabinetry in my RV, starting with cutting materials on the table saw and finishing with the installation of a new interior!
The unit has worn well. It is easy to go up or down stairs, work in the kitchen and clean the house. Once, upon receiving some unusually good news, I turned up the music and rocked out on my iWALK2.0!! :-)
Thanks for putting this wonderful device out there for all to use. My crutches sit in the corner all day long and I am due to see the surgeon for my final post-op in 3 days. I am planning to donate the device to my surgeon so he and his staff may try it and recommend it to others.
Thanks again for giving me the ability to have a fruitful and stress free recuperation.
Henry R. Kanner DDS
"The iWALK 2.0 is just incredible… I love mine!"
I had a calcaneal osteotomy and tendon resection ten days ago and I am so grateful that I'd ordered an iWalk 2.0 prior. I'm non-weightbearing for six weeks and spending that long on crutches would have killed me. I live in a three story house and for the life of me I can't manage going upstairs on crutches, I end up crawling up. With the iWalk2.0 I can go up and down stairs easily, carry anything I need to cook, do the washing and do my food shopping. I went for a walk in the park today, something that would not have been fun using crutches.
The setup was easy using the instructions, adjustment was a breeze and learning to use it was a lot less scary and much quicker than I could imagine. I was up to pro level within minutes. It only took a couple of days of use to really dial in the exact settings for the straps and it is so easy to put on and off. I can even climb our incredibly steep driveway, slowly but I can do it.
This would not be possible with crutches or a knee scooter and no one would want to push me up it in a wheelchair! The iWalk 2.0 is just incredible. I introduced the hospital physio to it so I'm hoping more people will find out about it in New Zealand. I love mine!
- Nicola- 72- New Zealand
"Only with the iWALK 2.0 can I continue to do the things that are important to me."
The iWALK is appropriate for users of all ages, as shown by this 72 year old user of the iWALK 2.0!
"After ordering the iWALK2.0, I could not wait for it to be delivered. I had never been on crutches before, and didn't realize what a great drag they were on life. In addition, with our split-level house, I had three sets of stairs to climb, and I was unwilling to climb and descend them on crutches. Going up and down those stairs on my left knee and two hands got pretty old, pretty fast. (I had ruptured the Achilles tendon in my left leg.) I found it relatively easy to assemble using the instructions in the box alone, even though I was aware of a video on the website. I quickly discovered that it is important to have the thigh strap as high as possible, to increase the firmness of the support. Once I did that, tightened up the three straps, and adjusted the platform height according to the instructions, I was on my way.
I was a little shaky at first…this was a completely new balancing experience. I used my two walking sticks to balance myself, and that gave me the selfconfidence I needed to adapt to this new method of mobility. After a few minutes, I didn't need the sticks anymore in the house. I found the stairs relatively easy to climb, once I got the rhythm going. I found it easier to descend going backwards…the protrusion of my cast meant that I would have to rotate my body quite a bit. ..much easier just to go backwards. We live on a rural property, which is anything but flat. I found that I could easily go up or down slight grades without the use of walking sticks, but when walking along the side of a hill, especially one that was sloping away from my good foot, I needed the use of the walking sticks to help keep me erect. Yesterday I used my leaf blower to clean up the deck and patio area. I little slower than before, but got the job done. Some things I enjoy doing are cooking, working in my workshop, and target shooting on my property. No way to do those things on crutches … only with the iWALK2.0 can I continue to do the things that are important to me. When I am out, many people ask about the iWALK. I had no idea that so many people had spend some time on crutches … they can immediately see the benefits, and wish that it was available when they were on crutches."
- John, age 72
“You can't hold a pulling dog on a leash with crutches”
Thank you iWALK-Free for giving me back my life! Byron, my 4 year old Brittany, is a bundle of energy and is used to going for his daily walk. That all ended with crutches, and I don’t know who was more miserable – me or him.
With the iWALK2.0 I took my dog for a 35 min walk and then a 25 min walk, did a bunch of errands and housework. The coolest part – I can cook and even deliver my plate to the table. Previously I had to have someone deliver it or I just stand and eat.
Julie Maul – Huntington Beach, CA
"I was able to cook Thanksgiving dinner, put up my Christmas decorations, and ride up and down the escalators at Macy's while carrying my shopping bags last weekend, thanks to the iWALK2.0!"
Decorating the Holiday is hard enough as is - but on crutches it is impossible!
I'm 55 years old and fairly athletic for my age. I purchased the original iWALKFree after foot reconstruction surgery.
I was able to go up and down the stairs in my home, as well as complete other activities of daily living requiring the use of both hands and arms during the 4-6 weeks of non-weight bearing on my right foot.I purchased the all new iWALK2.0 when I had the same surgery, this time on my left foot. I took it out of the box, put it together and started walking on it right away.
I find the iWALK2.0 to be much lighter and the straps easier to operate. There's also a handle at the top of the crutch that doubles as a cane if needed. I find I have more confidence with the iWALK2.0, in terms of getting in and out of it, so I am much more confident donning it in public. During what might have been a dull holiday weekend spent confined to my upstairs bedroom, I was able to cook Thanksgiving dinner, put up my Christmas decorations, and ride up and down the escalators at Macy's while carrying my shopping bags last weekend, thanks to the iWALK2.0! I absolutely don't know what I would have done without the use of the iWALK2.0! While a knee scooter is handy, it is simply not practical in a multi-level home.
I recommend both of these products to anyone with a below-the-knee injury; however, I must admit I am partial to the iWALK2.0 for the ease of donning and securing the straps.
These devices have given me precious freedom during two extremely confining post operative recovery periods.
Thank you!
Stacia Harmon
Manassas, VA
With your iWALK you can drop the crutches and grab a beer!
"Buddy, it's legit. . .the only way to get back to just a little bit of normal. It's hands (or cruches) down, the reason I can get back to work. . ."
Drop the crutches and grab an iWALK (and a beer). Bet you can't do this on crutches! It's also great for more professional pursuits. . . like working in a hospital!
- Brendan F.
The iWalk is also great for more professional pursuits, like working in a hospital!
Joe was able to judge the World Highland Games Championship, despite an injury, with his iWALK 2.0 crutch!
“Having now used the iWALK 2.0, I would never consider using crutches again. Neither should you."
Before the iWALK2.0, I was encumbered with a walker, wheelchair and crutches. Living in my 3rd floor condo was a nightmare.
Having had multiple injuries in the past, I had resigned myself to crutches, but the iWALK2.0 changed everything and gave me back my life. I regained almost full mobility. I was able to get out, run errands, go out with my friends, go for walks without any pain or inconvenience or any of the other things associated with crutches and walkers.
I would highly recommend it to anyone. Having now used the iWALK2.0, I would never consider using crutches again. Neither should you.
It was a lifesaver. It really was. Thank you iWALK2.0
- Joe White, 2013 Highland Games Judge
"With my iWALK2.0, I can be a functioning and able human being again, this is a happy day!!"
You can garden even with a lower leg injury!
Hold that cup of coffee securely when you on your iWALK2.0! Made my own coffee in my favourite cup, and off to see my gardens! Since receiving the iWALK2.0, I've watered my vegetable gardens, and I will even get back to milking! Gosh, it's a wonderful thing!
Thank you so much for the effort taken to get me the iWALK2.0! With my iWALK2.0, I can be a functioning and able human being again, this is a happy day!!
- Wendy, New Zealand
“I do not feel like I am limited by, or a victim of, my injury."
You can't rake leaves with crutches, but you can with the iWALK2.0!
"I recently purchased the iWALK 2.0 in preparation for ankle surgery. I have been on traditional crutches before and am actually a master at using them, but could not use them this time as I also have an ulnar bone injury. I tried forearm crutches but could not balance properly on them and found them nearly impossible to use. While searching out knee scooters online , I ran across information on the IWALK 2.0 and was instantly intrigued.
I LOVE my iWALK 2.0 – it was very easy to assemble and took seconds to learn to use. I love having my hands free to go about my daily life, stairs are easy to navigate, there is no pressure or stress on my shoulders, arms, wrists or hands. There is also no added pressure or fatigue on my good leg and I feel more stable with my iWALK 2.0 then I ever have with traditional crutches.
I do not feel like I am limited by, or a victim of, my injury. In the beginning I had difficulty fastening of the straps so I sent iWalk an email. A customer service representative contacted me and explained that I was fastening my iWalk2.0 incorrectly, and instructed me how to do it properly - and even followed up with me the next day to make sure it was going OK. Now that is the BEST customer service I have ever experienced! Now that I know the correct way to put on and take off my iWALK 2.0 getting in and out of it is a breeze that literally takes seconds- I was so excited the first day I knew how to do it properly I kept getting up, putting it on, walking around the house, taking it off, sitting down and then repeating – just because I could.
With my iWALK 2.0 my recovery is easier, I can still go about my daily routine and I am not dependent on others to do things for me - I would NEVER use traditional crutches again! Thank you a truly wonderful product."
- Nadine M.
“I'm 62. . . it took me about 5 minutes to get comfortable. . . I wish I had found it a little sooner!"
"The iWALK 2.0 is a wonderful thing!
If you have a lower leg or foot injury & have normal balance you can get used to this crutch very easily. I broke my foot and ankle and was stuck not being able to do normal everyday things because of how restrictive crutches and knee walkers are. In fact, I had fallen three times with the crutches. With the iWALK 2.0 your hands are free and you are able to do routine things to help out your caregiver, and this allowed me to not feel so helpless. I'm 62, and after watching the online videos and getting the iWALK 2.0 assembled and adjusted, it took me about 5 minutes to get comfortable with the crutch. I wish I had found it a little sooner could have saved me a fall or two. Also, customer service is terrific, I had a minor problem and they were all over it. If you have this type of injury – you need this crutch!"
Ron from Colorado
"It's not about what you CAN'T do, it's about what you CAN do!"
"First thing people say, "I've never seen that before, WOW!" Yes it is new, like less than one month old new. How did I luck out? Fate I would say. A little good karma maybe. I honestly am so grateful to have this device instead of the alternatives. I was on crutches for less than 2 days and I could already feel that the quality of my life the next 3-4 weeks was going to be bad.
The next 10 mins I walked around the house and practiced going up and down stairs. I was an expert. It is light. It is adjustable. It is easy to take on and off. It is comfortable. It is the best!
Now 8 days in, I have battled sand and dirt and stadium stairs. Nothing holds me back from going where I need to get. Maybe I can't go as fast as normal, but I can go!
Its not about what your CANT DO, its about what you CAN DO!"
To see Erin's posts in full, check out her blog here.
“Two beautiful weeks walking cobblestone streets, parks, and going up and down stairs. The iWALK 2.0 saved the trip."
"Two and a half weeks before my booked trip to the UK, I broke my ankle – a break severe enough that it required open reduction surgery. My stubbornness refused to cancel the trip, but after two weeks stuck on the couch and trying to manage with traditional crutches, I realized just how futile it was.
To care for myself and 8 month old baby was impossible. A rush order of the iWalk 2.0 got it in my hands two days before our flight. A couple practice runs and we were off. Here we are in front of Blenheim Palace in the Cotswolds, England. Two beautiful weeks walking cobblestone streets, parks and going up and down countless flights of stairs. The iWalk 2.0 saved the trip."
- Jenny Z.
"I love it. I use it every night! I am glad I got this early in my rehabilitation so I can stop hopping so much – my joints will thank me when I am 80."
- Christina Stephens, AmputeeOT
The iWalk "lets Mr. Chavez do life" despite his lower leg injury.
“iWALK 2.0 lets me do life”
“What I really like about the hands free crutch is that I’m not held captive like with standard crutches. It’s especially easy to take on and off which is especially handy when getting in and out of the car.
People always notice the iWALK 2.0, and strangers are always commenting that they wish that they had known about this when they were on crutches. I’ve even had a couple people offer to buy it from me when I’m done! The iWALK 2.0 – it lets me do life!"
- Tim Chavez
Costa Mesa, California
“He has no limitations now.”
- Christine Chavez (Happy spouse whose husband has regained his independence)
Assembled with ease. Lightweight but appears to be very strong. Going to make crutches obsolete.
- John, happy customer of the iWALK 2.0!
“I liked my iWALKFree, but I LOVE my iWALK2.0!”
“I’ve had to have two surgeries this year on my ankles. After the first surgery, I used the 1st generation iWALKFree crutch, which was OK, but I had to use a cane to help keep myself stabilized. After the second surgery, I purchased the 2nd generation iWALK2.0, which was a great deal easier to use. Definitely lighter, and it feels more comfortable.
When I’m out in public with my iWALK2.0, I entertain people wherever I go. No one has seen anything like it before and all think (and I agree) it is much better than dealing with a kneeling walker (knee scooter) or regular crutches.
I tell everyone that all I need is an eye patch and a parrot and I would look like a Pirate. Arrrgh!”
- Jim Seidman
"My name is Isaac Deuling and I'm a firm believer in the amazing iWalk. Recently, I broke my left talus bone in my ankle and tore my left AC in my shoulder. With these two injuries being on the same side of my body, crutches were definitely out of the question. After I discovered iWalk, my recovery process changed dramatically!
I no longer had to sit on the couch watching endless hours of television or battle with the inclination to stay in bed till noon. iWalk-Free has freed me from uncomfortable crutches and enabled me to walk and carry something simultaneously, hold hands with my girlfriend, continue my hobby of fixing things, help with housework and so many other functions I took for granted when life was "normal". iWalk-Free has made my injured life more therapeutic by enabling the use of my upper leg muscles while strapped in, thus making my post physio recovery faster.
Thank you so much for your wonderful invention."
- Isaac Deuling
"I have been using the iWalk-Free for 3 weeks now, and it is a bloody Godsend. Interior painting, laying flooring, moving furniture, and going up and down two flights of stairs on a regular basis are all possible. . . and it’s good for at least 3 pirate jokes per day."
– Pete C.
"As a General Surgeon, I spend my working hours standing at an operating table, impossible with crutches…and have been on my I-walk-free …for nearly six months. This device is one of the most fantastic, original, insightful and important medical innovations of recent years and has allowed me to maintain my job, my family, and my sanity despite a nasty injury."
—Richard W. Shallman MD. WA.
"After being on crutches for only 4 days I was at my whits end. My job was nearly impossible, and I was zero help around the house. Within a half hour of receiving my iWalk-Free I went from helpless to helpful.
With my iWalk-Free I was able to operate my business, blow leaves, and cut down trees around my house. Not to mention laundry, dishes, and cleaning!"
—Health B. — Ohio
“Duh – why hasn’t anyone thought of this before? Once I saw the iwalkfree, I understood immediately it’s huge advantage over crutches. Why would anyone ever think about using crutches again?”
—Jim Davis – Austin, Texas
Jon demonstrates there are more important things to hold than crutches. . . children!
"iWalk-Free crutch has been a life saver during my recovery from a ruptured Achilles’ Tendon. Instead of being helpless and feeling like a burden, I can now perform day-to-day tasks with no issues. Cooking, cleaning, and playing with/carrying my 2 year old daughter all became possible once again.
The iWalk-Free even gives me great traction through this rigid Canadian Winter season, and I can still shovel snow from my driveway. This is a great product and I am very thankful for it. The iWalk Customer Service team has been very helpful and accommodating to me.
I’ll definitely be recommending this product to friends, family, and even strangers crutching around. THANK YOU iWalk-Free!!"
—Jon L – Calgary, Alberta
"This is an absolutely astounding device. I don't know why (more) doctors aren't aware of it. My surgeon congratulated me for finding the iWalk-Free, and has since recommended it to many patients.Three years ago I suffered a complete rupture of my left Achilles tendon while playing volleyball. My business is a hands-on job of maintaining tropical plants in office spaces and executive buildings.
The requirement of carrying up to four gallons of water (much of the time up and down stairs) could not even be attempted while using crutches. My iWalk crutch gave me the freedom to continue working while I healed from my injury. There is simply no other way I could have continued my business – and my income.
Thank you for this wonderful product."
— Hadyn Jule, Nashville, Tennessee
I can't say enough about how your product help me mentally as well as physically during the whole ordeal. Even without the hurricane, I felt I had my life as close to normal as I could and I think it really helped me heal. Thank you again for all your help. I am in a walking boot now, but when I've been on my foot too much I can just grab my I walk free and I'm off and running."
—Jo Ann Schon, New Jersey
"May I start with a disclaimer that I do not regularly write letters of praise to companies nor do I make recommendations lightly? Your product is an exception. I have used it and I have recommended it to many as well as loaned my Iwalk-free crutch out to about half a dozen very active friends that have also praised the device.
My story goes as follows. In 2006 I was finishing up the last few weeks of training to be a Pararescueman in the air force, a pipeline of over two years. During a fastroping iteration I had a bad landing. Falling to my side I knew something was not right. My fellow trainees, all medically trained as well, quickly came to my aid. Once at the hospital, my fears were confirmed and I had broken my ankle. Specifically it was a transverse and spiraling fracture of the distal fibula. Surgery went well, and I got away with only a plate and five screws. On the down side, I was out of training for six months, with two weeks in a cast then over a month more non-weight bearing. As I lay in my bed frustrated to no end, my mind spun. I was no stranger to crutches having broken my femur years earlier in a mountain biking accident. I knew what I was in for and did not look forward to it. I knew the challenges of day to day living. Like the simple questions of what to do if when pour a bowl of cereal and then need to take it from the kitchen counter to the dinner table? As simple act like that becomes a frustrating and sometimes messy task when one does not have use of their arms. Then my mind fell back to an instructor I had during paramedic school. He had a strange crutch like device strapped to his leg. A crutch that did not depend on arms. I tracked him down and got the details for the device. It was an Iwalk-free. A week later Thanks to this device I was standing and walking and using my hands.
Unable to train I was released on convalescent leave. My girlfriend and I loaded up a truck and drove back home to Washington. By that point I was very comfortable with my crutch. Realizing that I had months of healing on my hands before I could resume training I decided to build my house. Soon I found myself picking up lumber and building materials. I could dig with a shovel and even climb a ladder (carefully.) At one point I with just a friend and me on the Iwalk free, we were able to a carry a 400 pound timer to the site. Thanks to the Iwalk free crutch my time was far from wasted. Moreover the rest of my body stayed active. I was not restricted to stationary physical therapy. I was using my body and staying strong. By the time I was able to bear weight, the only atrophy to occur was that in my left lower leg.
The following winter a friend of mine who was suffering from chronic ankle pain had surgery to alleviate some of the discomfort. Having been so impressed by the device I loaned it to her. Next thing I knew she was reporting back that she regularly wore it to shovel snow from the driveway and she was so comfortable in it she had even used it to go cross country skiing. From her it moved on to another friend who broke his ankle trying to free a buried snowmobile. Then to another friend who injured her ankle parachuting, who then loaned it to her surgeon! The list goes on; this device is almost viral in how almost everyone to have worn it swears by it.
My hat is off to whom ever came up with this idea. No doubt they were a person who understood the needs of an active person. I have recommended the Iwalk- free to people on the street that I see walking on crutches, and sitting in doctor’s offices. I cannot speak highly enough of this amazing device.
Thank you,
—Simon Friedman
Tracy was able to enjoy the beach thanks to her iWalk-Free!
"I was first exposed to the iWALK while waiting to board an airplane in Long Beach three days after my Achilles surgery. I was flying across country to attend my uncle’s funeral and was completely discouraged with my crutches and inability to carry my purse and carry-on bag. However, all that changed when I met a current iWalk user on that very same flight! He let me try the iWalk, and I couldn’t believe that I could immediately walk around the terminal with ease. No crutches! I flew to Boston and spent the next four days fighting with my crutches and wishing I had the iWALK with me. I obtained an iWalk as soon as I returned home, and it made such a difference to me in my daily life. I used it frequently around my house, for Christmas shopping in the mall, and working in my office. I was able to easily navigate around my kitchen to prepare meals for my family, organize and supervise my daughter’s 11th birthday party with 25 kids in our front yard, and walk around Cancun during our family reunion. (All hands free)"
—Tracy Thordarson
Gabriel is able to do all the chores necessary for his independent and rural lifestyle with his iWalk-Free.
"I have been on my iWalk for 3 weeks now and I am very pleased. I live in a remote rural area and my iWalk enables me to have a measure of independence that I could not possibly have achieved with crutches. My iWalk-Free contributes immeasurably to both my well being physical and psychological well being because I can do all the work (like chop and carry firewood) that comes with my rural lifestyle. With my iWalk-Free I can effectively manage my daily living."
— Gabriel, British Columbia
"You the man! This thing rocks, I had it out of the box and on in seconds."
—Angus Sutherland AB.
"I use it every minute of the day and I seriously rely on it as if it was my leg. I would be lost without it."
—Daniel Lee Hoel WI.
“First let me communicate my appreciation for your device. It has substantially improved my quality of life while recovering from a broken arch and subsequent surgery. I still have over a month to go with no weight bearing, but the I walk free crutch makes it a bearable period.
I too have found the iWALKFree device to be a huge quality of life improvement over using crutches. Not only can you carry and lift things with your hands, but you can easily and comfortably simply stand upright and have conversations, etc. without being draped over crutches. And you are no longer dependent on others to get things for you.
There are other rolling knee walker devices out there, but they cannot go over rough and uneven terrain, and even stairs, like the iWALKFree can. I thought some of the things I read others were doing on thier iWALKFree's were "stretches" of the truth (swinging a golf club, throwing a ball, mowing the lawn, etc.), but after 3 weeks on my iWALKFree, I have done all of those and more.
I told my wife this weekend that if I were forced to make the choice between 10 weeks in a non-weight bearing cast WITH the use of the iWALKFree VERSUS only 5 weeks in a cast on crutches, I would choose 10 weeks WITH the iWALKFree… it improves my quality of life that much!”
—Michael Mahoney – Houston, Texas
Divine intervention – “This device is a "God Send"! Being able to get around and carry what I need is a must. My surgeon moved my weight bearing ahead by a full 4 weeks Thanks.”
—Father Paul Doucet – New Brunswick
iWALKFree has allowed me to continue with virtually all my regular workouts. I'm convinced that it will get me back into the game sooner."
—Cody Ledbetter QB Hamilton Tiger-Cats
"I have been non-weight bearing for 7 months and the iWalk hands free crutch has given part of my life back. Im now able to do the simple things like carry my own cup of coffee and play catch in the park with my son. Thank you iWalk-Free!"
— Tim Wuerfel
“I just want to tell you how much I love the iwalkfree! I am
able to resume my normal life. Today I needed some medical supplies, so I stopped at the co-op medical supply store in calgary here and
they were amazed at how easily I was getting around.
—Jeff Kowalenko – Calgary, Alberta
“I wanted to let you know that your invention was surely the saving of our farm animals well-being these last 7 weeks. I managed to care for everyone, clean the barn, take the animals to their pasture safely, and never once fell or felt unsafe. I felt better using it because it was exercise. Your instructions and your 'only a phone call or email away' support made all the difference.
I took the brace everywhere. I can't tell you how many people were struggling during their non-weight bearing stages on crutches and told me that they had fallen, had to stop all activities, were in physio for sore shoulders, and were desperate to get moving ! What the brace did was keep me safe, moving, and helped with my healing
Thank you so much for all it has done for me and our 15 animal rescues. My surgeon is so happy that I got out of my series of casts two weeks earlier.”
—Cheryl Smith – Caledon, Ontario
Geoff is able to do his job as a personal trainer thanks to his iWalk-Free!"I fractured and dislocated my Tibia and Fibula.
I required surgery, but the iWalk-Free crutch got me back to work early and basically saved me from losing 3 dozen clients. I work as a Personal Fitness Trainer and I am on my feet 5 hours a day. Standard crutches or a knee scooter wouldn't allow me to do my job, but with my iWalk crutch I am able to navigate the work floor, go up and down stairs, pick up dumbbells and other exercise equipment, spot my clients, and more.
Being able to use my upper leg muscles has lowered my back pain, kept my body in better alignment, and prevented some atrophy of my injured leg's muscle. Definitely recommend this product!"
— Geoff, Utah
“Thank you again for a great product, it has facilitated my return to work and functionality.”
—Dr. K. Nagel – Georgia
“Crutches are really from hell, you know. Can someone please tell me why, with so many advances in medical science, are crutches still designed as implements of torture? When did having a wrecked ankle mean that I would lose the ability to use my hands?!
I'm sure crutches are part of the arsenal of implements of torture in hell and Satan makes you use them to do things like go up and down stairs, carry hot cups of coffee, or even eat a banana without sitting down. Since I'm not going there, I figured I wouldn't want to experience hell for the months I would be off my foot.
There was no way I would be able to be out and about using crutches and/or a wheelchair.
While researching Achilles tendon injuries and treatments online, I came upon something called an Iwalkfree hands free crutch. I tried it on, did a bit of wobbling and hobbling, then finally got the hang of putting it on and taking it off. That took me about 15 minutes. I was very impressed with the simplicity of the device. Why in the world do hospitals and clinics not even mention that something like this exists? No matter. I have it and you can't take it away from me.
I was able to get out of the car with my wife and kids, walk to the back of the school where all the parents were waiting with their kids, and not feel crippled as I would with crutches.
I was able to get my own coffee, cook my own lunch and carry it all to the chair. I took a little walk in the neighborhood after I dropped off the kids at school. Not very far mind you. I'm still getting used to walking with this wonderful device. Later, I even made some meat sauce . I actually carried a large pot of hot water from the sink to the stove without spilling a drop! There was no way I could do that with crutches!
After dinner with the family, we did some groceries. I insisted that I walk behind a shopping cart instead of using their lovely motorized scooter thing. You know, the one with the little basket in the front. Although my kids and wife wanted me to use it, there was no way I was going to jam myself into that wide-load vinyl seat, grab those tiny handlebars and honk that anemic horn as I put-put through the isles. I'm sure the kids wanted me to use it so they could take a ride too.
Instead, I confidently WALKED through the isles and shopped like everyone else.”
—John Crespi – Toronoto, Ontario
“ I ruptured my Achilles tendon on June 7, 2010. My right foot will be non-weight bearing for 3 months. After being on conventional crutches for one week and discovering how limited they were (e.g. heating up a coffee in the microwave and taking it to the kitchen table becomes an exercise in strategic planning), I found the IWALKFREE.. After a minor fall going down stairs on the crutches, I ordered the iWALKFREE. I strapped it on and went to dinner the same day. I did not feel very stable but thought "This is your best chance for mobility for the next 3 months…get used to it!". I am happy to report I DID get used to it and highly recommend it.
I read on productwiki a reviewer who believed it was not designed well for males since the top strap rides high into your crotch. I've had no issues at all.
I'm no ballerina or superstar athlete. I can ride a bike, ski blues and occasional blacks and do a 10K in about an hour, I have decent adaptable balance. You will place additional load on your "good leg" especially going up and down steep terrain, e.g. hiking up a moderately inclined mountain trail that was supposed to take 15 minutes walking took me about 20 – 25 minutes on the iWalk. I don't believe reviewers who've said you need to be "very athletic".
With repeated practice I can take it on/off in 15 to 30 seconds WITHOUT any help. I think this is a decent trade off against the overall mobility it provides.
By my 3rd day with it, I went to Costco by myself for about 3 hours…I purposely avoided parking in a wheel chair spot. I had at least 5 people approach me to ask about it and enough staring/gawking to make me think I was a real hottie.
I can see that its genius is in its simplicity. I am a fan of this device and highly recommend it to everyone I talk to.”
—Norman Chan – Vancouver, BC
"Just a quick note to thank you for the iWALKFREE. I had a very bad injury to my left foot and ankle: multiple 3rd/4th degree sprains, torn plantar fascia, etc. I was on crutches for 4 months before I stumbled onto the iWALKFREE (just searching around online). It changed the entire experience of my injury. Of course, the main thing was that I could be mobile and use my hands at the same time. After four months on crutches, just being able to carry a glass of water from one room to another was a wonderful extravagance. I used the iWALKFREE for another 6 months before I was able to walk again. I got very comfortable with it. I went hiking with it over lava beds in Hawaii. I learned to up and down stairs pretty quickly with it. I went dancing with it (and it was hilarious).
It really made a huge, positive difference in my healing process. Thanks very, very much."
—Hawkeye Parker – San Francisco, CA
"After 2.5 years of struggling to save a badly damaged leg, I elected to have the lower half of my right leg amputated. While I knew I would obtain a prosthetic leg, I already had well over 2 years of dealing with crutches and wasn't particularly looking forward to using crutches on and off for the rest of my life. After searching the Internet, I located and was simply amazed at what I found! This product wouldn't have changed my mind about the amputation, as I am extremely happy with my level of activity with my prosthetic, but I wish I had found the website years earlier. As I understand, these units were initial designed to help individuals with lower leg injuries (ankle, foot, etc) … but it is a God-send, in my opinion, for below-knee amputees!
When packing for any over-night trip, my 'crutch' is always right beside my luggage. When flying, I don't trust the airlines not to lose it, so it is one of my carry-on pieces.
At six months post-op, I had the opportunity to go on a short-term mission trip with my church. Every evening after taking off my prosthetic leg, I used the hands-free crutch to get to the shower, since I don't have a 'shower leg'. The facility we were in wasn't handicap friendly, but with the crutch, I had no problem getting around without my prosthetic leg.
Last summer while on vacation, I wore it on the beach and into the water so I could go snorkeling with my daughter. I was able to wade out into the surf, take off the crutch and secure it to a nearby railing. With the sturdy construction of the crutch, all I had to do afterward was dunk it in the fresh-water rinsing tank to clean the salt-water and beach sand off and let it drip-dry. (Without the crutch, I wouldn't have even attempted snorkeling, due to the prosthetic liner and socket system I use.)
When counseling new amputees, one of the first questions I am asked is "What all have you purchased to be able to cope as an amputee?". My answer is always:
1. A shower chair
2. A bed rail (so that I don't try to 'stand up' while still groggy and end up falling)
3. Hands-free crutch – so that I can still have total mobility, even without my prosthetic leg
I share about the hands-free crutch as much as I am able, and I consider it a privilege to share my story on this website."
—Ron King
"On July 19th; 8 screws and 4 hours later I was out of surgery, after a successful, 'open right ankle fusion'. On July 21st, I left the General Hospital in Ottawa without the aid of a wheel chair!
My wife brought me my 'iWALKFREE' crutch; and after I demonstrated the COMPLETE FREEDOM & SAFETY I had in using your crutch; they allowed me to leave wearing it!!! I am now at home enjoying the freedom of my recovery period; thanks to you and your 'iWALKFree'. Words cannot express my gratitude."
—Bryan Far
"I crushed my leg a month ago when my horse fell on me, resulting in 'tib/ fib' fractures and 'no weight bearing' for (so far) five weeks. After three other stints on crutches before, the idea of a long crutch 'season' was beyond depressing. I saw a woman with a foot injury using a little scooter so I started looking for it online and came across IWALKFREE. I liked the idea of the hands-free crutch so much more than the scooter because it didn't require any use of your hands to operate or stabilize it and of course, the stairs can be navigated easily.
I ordered it and couldn't WAIT to get it and did it deliver! I have a hobby farm with 10 horses and I am able to do all the chores (I couldn't even get out of stall mucking) because I no longer have my "lame excuse!"When I first got it, I used one crutch on the off side to help with balance and I still use the off side crutch when I go over uneven ground outside–but otherwise, once you get the hang of it, and the adjustment correct, it is so much easier and more comfortable than crutches.
I wear it all day except to sit or drive. And people are always asking me to say 'Arrrrr' like a pirate when they see me coming. But it's brilliant. Thank you!!!!"
—Nancy Turner, Afton, MN
"iWALKFREEE is an incredible idea for improving patient's lifestyle…the [iWALK] would be of major benefit to the orthopaedic patient in the rehabilitative state."
—Allan Dalton R.T. Orthopaed (C)
iWALKFREE …will greatly facilitate ambulation for individuals with non-weight bearing, below knee injuries. Our groundwork findings demonstrate both the safety of the iWALK as well as its broad applicability.
"I was in a motorcycle accident and broke my ankle and finger. Because I also needed a splint on my hand, I was unable to use conventional crutches. Thankfully, I found iWalkFree. With iWalkFree, my recovery has been drastically more convenient.
I live in a two story house and the iWalkFree has allowed me to get up and down stairs with ease. I have been off my leg for five weeks now and I just can't imagine how hard this process would have been with out the iWalkFree."
— Ryan C., Los Angeles, CA
"iWALKFree has enormous potential in the management and rehabilitation of traumatic lower extremity injuries."
—Dr. Hans Kreder MD, MPH, FRSC, (C)
"The Walk-Free was the difference between working and not working."
—Katherine Mark ON.
"I would have missed 6 to 8 weeks of work without it…it works pretty good.
I can't believe no one else has thought of this before."
—Jon Mahachek MN.
"…there will be a large group of patients…that have lower extremity injuries, particularly of the foot and ankle, who will benefit from use of this [iWALK]."
—Stephen J. G. Snyder BSc, MD, FRCS(C)
"Your [iWALK] has changed my life…it is the only thing I use."
—Lian Zerafa ON.
"I would whole-heartedly recommend to anyone with a below-the-knee cast, who is confined to crutches, that they give the iWALKFREE a road test. It will do just what its name implies-free up your day in inumerable, helpful ways."
— Professor John B. Ridpath York University
"…thank you for inventing the iwalkfree. It's a great design that returns much of my physical abilities (and emotional well being) during my recuperation."
—Bill Rennie P. Eng. AB.
"[iWALK] provides many benefits for the patient…early mobilization and help[ing] to decrease loss of both bone density and muscle strength."
—Janet Cleave H.B.Sc.,B.Sc.,P.T.
"This confirms that this [iWALK]…was used effectively…after a lower extremity injury."
—David J. G. Stephen B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.S. (C)
The [iWALK] was well-accepted, safe and easy to use. There was a clear trend for better function with the [iWALK]. Patients required to be non-weightbearing due to pathology below the knee now have the ability to maintain use of their upper extremities with the iWALKFREE.]"
-–Prospective Clinical Evaluation (AAOS #PE058)
"…it made a huge difference in my life…i was able to help around the house, and get out of the house much more. I'm sure this added exercise sped up my recovery quite a bit."
—Ian Hetherington AB.
"It made a world of difference. I was back to work a week after the accident. The best thing…is that it is much safer than traditional crutches."
—Carl Gustafson P. Eng. ON.
"…[iWALK] sure has made my injury much more tolerable during the mending period."
—Ed Cronin PA.
"A lifesaver!"
—Scott Brutsche AZ.
"I had the iWalk on my leg in about 5 minutes and was walking around the room. I feel better now that I can work without having an assistant help me carry papers around the office and be more useful at home with simple thingsthat I could not do on crutches."
—Lee Forrest NC.
"It truly did get me back on my feet. I was able to service my [own] patients better. Thanks again."
—Keith M. Smith C.O.
“I am pretty impressed with the whole thing. … It is a great thing to go out, buy beer and not have to have the clerk help you out to your car… I LOVE THIS THING! Thanks!”
—Dave Wolfe Edwards, CO.
“I just wanted to drop you a line and express my profound thanks for inventing the iWALKFREE crutch. It is everything that your web site states.
I ordered your product because of the extreme pain in my shoulders being experienced while using normal crutches. That requirement was more than satisfied, but to my delight many small items of daily living were also vastly improved. I am now able to stop and pick up a fountain drink at the local store without slopping drink out everywhere. I have been able to change the spark plugs in the wife’s car and I am getting ready to take a long vacation in New Zealand that was being dreaded with crutches.
I work as an engineer at the Kennedy Space Center and in the course of my work I have to access areas in large hangars. Before the iwalk free crutch it was all I could do to get from my vehicle to the work site without having to look for a spot to rest and recharge for the next movement. Now I am able walk to the most remote work areas and conduct business without any extreme discomfort. Thanks again.”
—Marvin Land, Kennedy Space Center
“Over four years ago I spent six months on my iWALKFree, healing a complicated ankle fracture. Since then I've loaned it to my brother for achilles tendon surgery, twice! Today I strapped it on again as I've just had all the plates and screws removed from my ankle. I still think it is a fantastic piece of design work. Cheers!”
—-Rick Shallman MD WA.
“Hello, My name is Christine Pierangeli and I just want to let you know how happy I am to have my iWALKFREE device!! I broke my foot October 16th and have been non weight bearing since. I ordered your device a week after being casted and I have to tell you, it has completely saved my sanity. I have an 8 month old and a 3 year old and I am a stay at home mom. Crutches were not an option! I couldn’t even be home alone with my kids and that was tough emotionally and financially. Last week I got word that I will be non weight bearing for 6 more weeks and I would surely have withered at that news if not for iWALKFREE.. I get around wherever I want to go. I stairmaster and lift weights daily at that gym and that has been so crucial to my mental and physical health! More valuable than any of that, I can get my kids to preschool, grocery shop and run errands.
… just wanted to let you know how happy I am, …I wish you great success in the future and will be doing my share to make sure anyone with a need knows that your fabulous device exists!”
—Christine Pierangeli CO.
“My daughter has a condition called CRPS that prevents her from bearing weight on her left leg. Your device has given her both the freedom and mobility to perform a wide variety of activities. Last week she walked 6 miles one day and 7 miles the next day along the mall in Washington DC.
This week she was in Baltimore, MD and walked all over the Inner Harbor area."
—-Brian Jackson AZ.
"I ruptured my Achilles Tendon early this past June. As this injury has a long recovery cycle, I decided to investigate alternatives to crutches. I quickly came to the conclusion that the I WALKFREE solves most of the prevalent problems with crutches, and does so far better than any of the other alternatives I could find.
The key is that with only a couple of hours of practice, I could negotiate stairs, even without a railing. This allows me to go in and out any entrance of my house and easily work around the yard. What a relief to be useful and independent again. I even played catch with my 10 year old in the back yard.It is amazing to me how attention I still get and how few people have seen or even know about the I Walk-Free. It has been a godsend! Thanks for your product as it has tremendously helped me get through my injury."
—-Tyler Hooper MA
"I use it every minute of the day and I seriously rely on it as if it was my leg. I would be lost without it."
-–Daniel Lee Hoel WI.
"Thank you for inventing the iWALKFREE. It's a great design that returns much of my physical abilities (and emotional well being) during my recuperation."
—Bill Rennie P. Eng. AB.
"I started out on crutches, switched to a wheel chair and then I heard about iWALKFREE…by the next day, I amazed everyone with my mobility…the best part was that I could carry stuff and open doors."
—Robert Livingstone ON.
The brace fits well and I am using it with a great deal of satisfaction. Many, many thanks for the prompt personal attention that you gave this matter.”
—Cliff Johnson
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